During construction, FOCUS Broadband will be utilizing a combination of techniques to install the fiber optic lines. Please know that all work is being done within the approved utility easements. We respect everyone’s private property and will only construct within the legally defined utility easements. It is our intent to minimize our footprint while working in your area.
You will notice crews digging holes, placing pipe and installing ground level distribution points. Rest assured that FOCUS Broadband’s crews will replace, restore or repair any damages that occur during this process.
While the construction of our network may cause some inconveniences, we will move quickly to complete work in your area and are committed to addressing all construction complaint issues in a timely manner.
To report an issue pertaining to construction call 833-385-0301 or email /faqs.
For questions or concerns
regarding construction please call 833-385-0301, or email us at /faqs.